In the Kantian philosophy, the expression "I think' – which proves that the multiple sensitivities combine with the neighbourhood to find unity only because they are the subject of a single collective thought (thought of the Masses) - is the communication and formal assumption for their unification.
Therefore, it is essential to develop a genuine and determined thought, since thoughts are similar to judgements and creations, and the latter lead to power.
The fight against the spread of legalised tyrannies all over the world requires a globalised and strong thought developed through the new sources of power, which must aim at fair Justice and Freedom.
Many Countries are affected by strong and deeply-rooted political tyrannies, or rather by the hyper-power of the State, to the extent that a democratic and prophetic regime can no longer exist, as it was overwhelmed by the current globalised politics.
There are two opposing elements, and therefore two ethics:
the Power - State one, intended for oppression and peaceful wars (provided that they really exist!); and the one used as an instrument for freedom; however, a new movement results in a radical liberalism for all the social classes: it is called Social Science (working class.)
The spread of legalised tyrannies worldwide requires a globalised and strong thought of fair Justice and Freedom.
Power is to social science (working class) what energy is to physics, power corresponds to energy since it constantly changes its shape; social science evolves in line with the world, starting from ancient times, through the present and up to the current world dominated by technology.
Social science (working class) studies the mutant laws leading to these changes.
However, our current system - in the name of the State, of the wealth of few people, of economics and finance - kills law, social science (working class) - which is the living Word of the law - the certainty and universality of law based on spirit, and eventually the "Dream of the Child", thus undermining any freedom, morality, knowledge and movement.
We must recover the teaching of the ancient prophets, since they are all dead…