Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of men with the purpose of contributing to the wellbeing of mankind, but inevitably end up establishing fake profit-making bodies and organizations.
All over the world, including Italy, women and immigrants are paid less than men performing the same tasks, although the Declaration of Human Rights states that salaries should be equal, regardless of the workers’ gender, nationality or ethnic group.
However, it is not so! ...
In summary, according to our Declaration of Human Rights: the first thing is Life, then Love, Death and eventually the Pursuit of Truth...
And this is the fifth right within the Pursuit of truth: every educational environment, from nursery schools to kindergartens and universities must lay the foundations for an atmosphere suitable for meditation and relaxation.
The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore how a fanatical doctrine (and we see even today with the Isis) often increases a community's power.
In this paragraph I shall talk about animistnomadism and its myths: over the course of history, it is rooted in the Period of Origins, when neither the State nor the Class Properties existed, while the Law of Life ruled over the world, intended as the Word which conveys the interests of the Weak, together with rationality, novelty and true spiritual paternity.
Only following the path "of the last who shall be first, and the first last" (thus avoiding the concept of “last”, “first”, “coincidence” and “removal of opposites”), we can feel universal love, which will enable us to love and help both our friends and enemies looking for humanization; just like the sun, we shall spread light, life and warmth not only to our friends, but also to the secret needs of our enemies.
Politics and Religion should be simple: I do not mean that they are easy, but they are not complicated, life is not complicated; all the difficulties arise from the mind, which – if left free to run – tends to prevail over the others.
Politicians and philosophers find it very difficult – sometimes impossible - to become humanists (i.e.: to love mankind), since the deeper the knowledge, the greater the difficulty, but the difficulty depends on us; we create it by means of power and money, but complexity cannot match with simplicity, with love.
Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church.
In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war";
Well, I think that "In a society where war does not bring any return and everybody - in every social class – only takes a huge loss, there shall be no war."
Therefore, we shall use modern prophetism to fight, with clear words of peace, against the masters of war, who take advantage of deluded people deprived of true values such as:
- Respect for life, - Respect for the ideologies of others, - Respect for the territory, - Respect for the property of others.
We know that the words, maybe not all, have a power, for this one must say risky words but calibrated, significant. Each word therefore has a power, so I show you " the ethics of power " for those who will use words to communicate to the people, today the people of the network.
I have already spoken of the evils of power, but is it possible to have some good from the power? Lets see how?
Ascetically with an exhortation: give up exercising an influence (energy) either beneficial or evil on one's fellows, use the middle path, consider this way: look for the better life, better job, a better world for the individual.
Note: the drug is the cure of the disease, to defeat the disease, the cry is the effect of fright; in this way the Modern Prophet is the effect of entrenched injustice.
Without injustices the Prophecy that I give you would remain just the Poet, the Priest-
" to the divine man that creates beauty, who dances in its ineffable beauty, and would not place the divine man who treats the wounded residues of beauty".
The love of fear- the refusal of pleasure - Fear paralyzes will
The relation between "rich-poor"; "servant-master" divides all, it divides especially the consciences of those who have an interest in the destruction of that relationship.
The Biblical prophetic wisdom expresses this situation in the right way: "In a State of oppression even a wise becomes a fool" (Ecclesiastes 6-7), it is above all the fear that folds even strongest consciences...
Men are able to think, and within their thoughts they combine representation and awareness. This union results from two factors: the first one merely relates to the subject and has a subjective connotation, while the second one is independent and necessarily objective.
Si queremos crear una humanidad mejor, debemos dejar de juzgar, de crear juicios. Debemos ayudar a las personas a ser conscientes. No debemos dar una consciencia a la gente, es suficiente con darles conocimiento. Te pueden ser dadas ideas estúpidas y tú las llevarás contigo…
El hombre no es consciente, aunque se hace ilusiones de que lo es y es precisamente esta ilusión lo que protege su inconsciencia. El hombre es ignorante, aunque pretenda saber y es precisamente esta pretensión (¡creer que sabe siempre todo!) lo que mantiene intacta su…
Los hechos representan a la Verdad leída con conocimiento. Es Verdad vista con ceguera, con ojos cerrados, sin inteligencia, de manera no meditativa. En este caso la verdad se transforma en hechos. Os pongo un ejemplo: encuentras a un Cristo o un Buda. Si lo…
No temo repetir la verdad que es antigua como las montañas y la repito también con las palabras del viejo sabio chino taoísta, Lao Tseu. Lao Tseu, según él "el Tao, la ley del cielo es como un arquero: levanto lo que está abajo y…
Digámoslo de manera clara, hay personas que están tan unidas a sus convicciones que no aceptan o comparten las de los demás. Aquí estoy listo para explicaros el poder de la convicción, cómo su fuerza puede dañar a las personas. Es fácil demostrar que las …
Pensad que todas las religiones, realmente todas, creen que vosotros tenéis Alma, que venís al mundo con alma. Giorgio Gurdjieff es el único hombre, en toda la historia de la humanidad, que dijo una cosa increíblemente importante: "Vosotros no tenéis alma". ¡El único! A pesar…
"¡Yo que no soy Nadie, así os hablo!", ahora ha llegado el momento de explicaros porqué me declaro un "Nadie". Los deseos son sueños, no son realidad. No puedes realizarlos y tampoco puedes reprimirlos: para que tú puedas realizar una cosa es necesario que sea…
Cuando se habla de pecado, se debe incomodar a la religión, porque el "pecado" es solo la transgresión consciente y voluntaria de la ley Divina, en el lenguaje corriente se habla de culpa. En la concesión del pensamiento teológico-judío y también en la religión musulmana-cristiana,…
In this paragraph I shall talk about animist nomadism and its myths: over the course of history, it is rooted in the Period of Origins, when neither the State nor the Class Properties existed, while the Law of Life ruled over the world, intended as…
The Victory of Prophetism – The presence of the Great Light This website has been shaped like a magic object, like "Aladdin's lamp", similar to the work of an alchemist who - while changing the "matter" – transforms himself and the surrounding world, like a…
Animism is a power of the soul, its effect on men is always positive, somehow divine. But what is soul? It is the spiritual component of men in contrast to their body; it has nothing to do with mind and intellect, or with heart and…
We were asked to clarify the concept of forgiveness. Forgive, does not mean forgetting, obliterate, means researching the true causes that have resulted in unfair malicious behavior, derive meaning, discover the objective, institutional, cultural, and correct it..
Para entrar en contacto con la Gran Luz se debe acceder a la apertura de los cuatro niveles (cuatro mentes), os he hablado de ella la vez anterior, de los dos primeros niveles, ahora os hablaré de cómo abrir las otras dos puertas. Para abrir…
Se nos ha preguntado: "¿Tenéis un maestro que os inspire? ¿Estáis siempre en contacto con el maestro? ¿Cómo podemos ponernos en contacto con él?" R. No tenemos ningún maestro como lo entiendes tú, pero hemos hablado varias veces solo de la Gran Luz, estamos siempre…
Se nos ha preguntado: "Visto que el Profetismo Moderno habla a menudo de Dios, querría saber vuestra idea sobre Dios y qué religión profesáis. ¿Qué significado tiene esta palabra? ¿Existen otros Dioses? ¿Quiénes son?" R. En el momento en que tú no estás, tú también…
Pregunta: "Estamos viviendo tiempos realmente terribles, el mundo está convulsionado por la violencia. ¿Qué piensa el Profetismo Moderno? ¿Dónde iremos a parar a este paso? ¿Qué será del mundo?” ¡Gracias, sois maravillosos! Giulia de Módena. . _ ._ . Respuesta: Si lo pensamos bien la…
Si la sociedad quiere vivir mejor, debe parir al Hombre Nuevo, pero se necesita una sustancial modificación del carácter humano, es decir, del paso de preponderancia, o sea, mayor fuerza o importancia de la modalidad del tener, en la forma más egoísta del término, a…
Si quieres encontrar tu camino, antes deberás saber cuál es el sentido de la vida y entender cómo esta se puede realizar. Principalmente son tres las formas de realización humana: el de la ocupación, el social y el sexual. Dejo a un lado las otras…
Los tres lazos que vinculan a los seres humanos se refieren a los tres problemas de la vida: pero ninguno de estos problemas puede ser resuelto por separado; cada uno de ellos necesita una solución válida para los otros dos. El primero se refiere al…
In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects. It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling…
I want to evoke the historical personality of Gandhi, so similar to that of Jesus; you should not forget what he actually taught, not what they would make him to say. In his diary, “old as mountains: the truth and non-violence,” he says, “if I had to choose between armed…
Power and limits of fanatic doctrines. The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore…
Only following the path "of the last who shall be first, and the first last" (thus avoiding the concept of “last”, “first”, “coincidence” and “removal of opposites”), we can feel universal love, which will enable us to love and help both our friends and enemies looking for humanization; just like…
Over the life cycle of men and books, in particular of those dealing with life like this one, the final chapter and the closing sentence are - perhaps coincidentally - the most important steps. Probably some articles have succeeded, albeit marginally, in addressing or inspiring some readers, therefore I would…
Politics and Religion should be simple: I do not mean that they are easy, but they are not complicated, life is not complicated; all the difficulties arise from the mind, which – if left free to run – tends to prevail over the others. Politicians and philosophers find it very…
We are living in the technological era, but each situation features other three sides. To the detriment of our personality, our technological society has created the ingenious monstrosity of the group - a downside to be constantly controlled – together with the social "slave - master" hierarchy, while socialist, animist,…
Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war"; Well, I think that "In a society…
We know that the words, maybe not all, have a power, for this one must say risky words but calibrated, significant. Each word therefore has a power, so I show you " the ethics of power " for those who will use words to communicate to the people, today the…
Note: the drug is the cure of the disease, to defeat the disease, the cry is the effect of fright; in this way the Modern Prophet is the effect of entrenched injustice. Without injustices the Prophecy that I give you would remain just the Poet, the Priest- " to the…
The feeling that makes up the psychological source of power and tradition in its obsequious appearance for Kings, priests, party bosses are: fear and personal ambition that originate power. The power of the organizations through which power is exercised, considering them first as bodies endowed with a life of its…
We know how important words are, in the sacred name, in primordial sound would hide the power of being and its possible creation. This means that there would be words that create, there would exist sound images, which create under certain conditions. So let me evoke the word Peace, in…
The love of fear- the refusal of pleasure - Fear paralyzes will The relation between "rich-poor"; "servant-master" divides all, it divides especially the consciences of those who have an interest in the destruction of that relationship. The Biblical prophetic wisdom expresses this situation in the right way: "In a State…
The love of power - in its broadest sense- is the desire to cause effects in the world, this belongs to human nature. Since the time of Lao-Tse this has had its supporters: mystics, politicians, people who cared about the holiness of the people, more like a state of mind…
We must consider that there are two kinds of pursuit of power, already identified in the past, and two elements: a ruler and his/her follower (Christ and the apostles, all the prophets and devotees.) We must understand that men tend to adhere to the ideals conveyed by the ruler and,…
Globalisation of Thoughts - Social science Men are able to think, and within their thoughts they combine representation and awareness. This union results from two factors: the first one merely relates to the subject and has a subjective connotation, while the second one is independent and necessarily objective.
Peoples will never be free if they do not get rid of their rulers: according to the latter, in fact, the masses must be poorly educated, just to meet the awareness requirements of the State-Country. The counter-revolution, which has always been popular among the peoples, despises the awareness of the…
Law enters the service of men and not vice versa, it supports the weak, regardless of their identity, however it is not suitable for the current history as well as for the existing, future and unattainable justice (messiahship.) A new force has arisen, or had already arisen, from these writings…
In our world, the just do not exist, because there can be no prevailing justice, and the just are often killed, persecuted, deceived (whereas the opposite occurs in the Promised Land): the just, i.e. those who act with liberality and full awareness, are crucified. "... Does not ride a horse…
Now let’s focus on the tenth right: Meritocracy. Democracy has failed, we cannot ignore this fact; we have gone through various types of governments: aristocracy, kingdom, democratic city-states and now the whole world is exalting the idea of democracy. However, democracy has never solved any…
Now let’s consider the last statements of the “Nobody” prophet, which must not be taken for granted, but examined and discussed, in addition to the popular Declaration of Human Rights. "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all…
On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved and enacted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 48 Countries, including the United States – the actual promoter of the Declaration – took part in the vote and supported this proposal. Conversely, 8 Countries were…
Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of…
Universal Declaration of human rights according to the Prophetism carries on in its elucidation. We took into consideration the first two issues namely: the right to Live, the second, which is the closest to my heart, Love, we now come to the third fundamental right,…
Right to Life - The Right to Love - Human rights according to Prophetism. Universal Declaration of human rights according to Prophetism Now it's good that I talk you about how the web Prophetism conceives human rights; I'm going to talk about Our Declaration of…
Civilized society does not exist I thought on human rights, specifically my thoughts as a prophet of the net, then lit on men, is shipwrecked on the so called United Nations, and on human rights day. We must not forget a basic fact: we live…
Se nos ha preguntado: "Querría saber, ¿cuántos sois los que escribís sobre el Profetismo Moderno? Además, querría preguntaros: ¿es posible aclarar el concepto de amor, dado que habláis de él en todos los artículos?" R. Empiezo diciéndote que somos: ¡Uno, ninguno, cien mil! Como diría…
Si queremos crear una humanidad mejor, debemos dejar de juzgar, de crear juicios. Debemos ayudar a las personas a ser conscientes. No debemos dar una consciencia a la gente, es suficiente con darles conocimiento. Te pueden ser dadas ideas estúpidas y tú las llevarás contigo durante toda la vida. Las…
El hombre no es consciente, aunque se hace ilusiones de que lo es y es precisamente esta ilusión lo que protege su inconsciencia. El hombre es ignorante, aunque pretenda saber y es precisamente esta pretensión (¡creer que sabe siempre todo!) lo que mantiene intacta su ignorancia. Además, el hombre es…
El cuarto paso: sé un nadie. Cuando empiezas a pensar que eres alguien, te bloqueas; así, el amor no puede fluir. El amor fluye solo de los que no son nadie. El amor mora solo en el nada. Cuando estás vacío, está presente el amor. Cuando estás colmado de ego,…
Nunca como en esta época es importante amar. Porque cuando amamos de verdad, llegamos a conocernos más profundamente a nosotros mismos y a los demás. El cuerpo puede ceder a los achaques de la edad, pero nuestro espíritu, cuando ama, o mejor cuando sabe amar – siempre libre – nos…
El segundo paso hacia el amor es aprender a transformar tus venenos en miel... Mucha gente ama, pero su amor está profundamente contaminado por venenos: desde el odio a los celos, de la rabia a la posesividad. ¡Tu amor está circundado por mil y un venenos! El amor es algo…
Pregunta: "Estamos viviendo tiempos realmente terribles, el mundo está convulsionado por la violencia. ¿Qué piensa el Profetismo Moderno? ¿Dónde iremos a parar a este paso? ¿Qué será del mundo?” ¡Gracias, sois maravillosos! Giulia de Módena. . _ ._ . Respuesta: Si lo pensamos bien la vida siempre ha estado así:…
El amor es el encuentro, el encuentro orgásmico, entre la muerte y la vida. Si no conoces el amor, te dejarás escapar el sentido de la vida. Has nacido, has vivido, estás muerto… pero has fallado. Te has dejado escapar ese espacio que existe en el medio: ¡el amor!, este…
Se nos ha preguntado: "Querría saber, ¿cuántos sois los que escribís sobre el Profetismo Moderno? Además, querría preguntaros: ¿es posible aclarar el concepto de amor, dado que habláis de él en todos los artículos?" R. Empiezo diciéndote que somos: ¡Uno, ninguno, cien mil! Como diría el gran Pirandello. Pero hablemos…
Para entrar en contacto con la Gran Luz se debe acceder a la apertura de los cuatro niveles (cuatro mentes), os he hablado de ella la vez anterior, de los dos primeros niveles, ahora os hablaré de cómo abrir las otras dos puertas. Para abrir la tercera puerta debes haber…
Se nos ha preguntado: "¿Tenéis un maestro que os inspire? ¿Estáis siempre en contacto con el maestro? ¿Cómo podemos ponernos en contacto con él?" R. No tenemos ningún maestro como lo entiendes tú, pero hemos hablado varias veces solo de la Gran Luz, estamos siempre en contacto con ella, pero…
In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects. It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling…
Se nos ha preguntado: "Visto que el Profetismo Moderno habla a menudo de Dios, querría saber vuestra idea sobre Dios y qué religión profesáis. ¿Qué significado tiene esta palabra? ¿Existen otros Dioses? ¿Quiénes son?" R. En el momento en que tú no estás, tú también eres un Dios. Querría hacerte…
Los hechos representan a la Verdad leída con conocimiento. Es Verdad vista con ceguera, con ojos cerrados, sin inteligencia, de manera no meditativa. En este caso la verdad se transforma en hechos. Os pongo un ejemplo: encuentras a un Cristo o un Buda. Si lo miras con ignorancia, es un…
No temo repetir la verdad que es antigua como las montañas y la repito también con las palabras del viejo sabio chino taoísta, Lao Tseu. Lao Tseu, según él "el Tao, la ley del cielo es como un arquero: levanto lo que está abajo y bajo lo que está alto;…
Digámoslo de manera clara, hay personas que están tan unidas a sus convicciones que no aceptan o comparten las de los demás. Aquí estoy listo para explicaros el poder de la convicción, cómo su fuerza puede dañar a las personas. Es fácil demostrar que las convicciones son omnipotentes y que…
Now let’s focus on the tenth right: Meritocracy. Democracy has failed, we cannot ignore this fact; we have gone through various types of governments: aristocracy, kingdom, democratic city-states and now the whole world is exalting the idea of democracy. However, democracy has never solved any problem, but rather has introduced…
Pensad que todas las religiones, realmente todas, creen que vosotros tenéis Alma, que venís al mundo con alma. Giorgio Gurdjieff es el único hombre, en toda la historia de la humanidad, que dijo una cosa increíblemente importante: "Vosotros no tenéis alma". ¡El único! A pesar de las varias religiones. La…
Now, think about the unification of Italy and then focus on the current events in Europe. Europe has introduced a single currency - the euro - for all the peoples as Italy did with its language. But was it actually a positive thing? Could it be that some truths and…
Colonialism began in Europe and, just like a boomerang, has returned to Europe after the onset of National Socialism. The German people are not to blame for this phenomenon; in fact, when cancer affects an organ, this is not due to the organ itself, but rather to the whole body…
Now let’s consider the last statements of the “Nobody” prophet, which must not be taken for granted, but examined and discussed, in addition to the popular Declaration of Human Rights. "Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family…
Dreaming of Animals – The Interpretation of Dreams according to Modern Prophetism Dreams featuring animals are very frequent, therefore they play a key role for the interpretation of dreams.
For how much it costs me, but there are only two schools of thoughts dealing with the interpretation of dreams and struggling to adopt a comprehensive and scientific approach. The two schools which claim their ability to understand and interpret dreams are the School of Freudian Psychoanalysis and the School…
On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly approved and enacted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 48 Countries, including the United States – the actual promoter of the Declaration – took part in the vote and supported this proposal. Conversely, 8 Countries were absent: the Eastern bloc, Saudi…
Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of men with the purpose of…
Universal Declaration of human rights according to the Prophetism carries on in its elucidation. We took into consideration the first two issues namely: the right to Live, the second, which is the closest to my heart, Love, we now come to the third fundamental right, which combined with the other…
Right to Life - The Right to Love - Human rights according to Prophetism. Universal Declaration of human rights according to Prophetism Now it's good that I talk you about how the web Prophetism conceives human rights; I'm going to talk about Our Declaration of human rights. In the end…
Civilized society does not exist I thought on human rights, specifically my thoughts as a prophet of the net, then lit on men, is shipwrecked on the so called United Nations, and on human rights day. We must not forget a basic fact: we live in a hypocritical society. A…
"¡Yo que no soy Nadie, así os hablo!", ahora ha llegado el momento de explicaros porqué me declaro un "Nadie". Los deseos son sueños, no son realidad. No puedes realizarlos y tampoco puedes reprimirlos: para que tú puedas realizar una cosa es necesario que sea real y también para poder…
Cuando se habla de pecado, se debe incomodar a la religión, porque el "pecado" es solo la transgresión consciente y voluntaria de la ley Divina, en el lenguaje corriente se habla de culpa. En la concesión del pensamiento teológico-judío y también en la religión musulmana-cristiana, el pecado está sobre todo…
I want to evoke the historical personality of Gandhi, so similar to that of Jesus; you should not forget what he actually taught, not what they would make him to say. In his diary, “old as mountains: the truth and non-violence,” he says, “if I had to choose between armed…
Si la sociedad quiere vivir mejor, debe parir al Hombre Nuevo, pero se necesita una sustancial modificación del carácter humano, es decir, del paso de preponderancia, o sea, mayor fuerza o importancia de la modalidad del tener, en la forma más egoísta del término, a la modalidad del ser, para…
Power and limits of fanatic doctrines. The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore…
In this paragraph I shall talk about animist nomadism and its myths: over the course of history, it is rooted in the Period of Origins, when neither the State nor the Class Properties existed, while the Law of Life ruled over the world, intended as the Word which conveys the…
Only following the path "of the last who shall be first, and the first last" (thus avoiding the concept of “last”, “first”, “coincidence” and “removal of opposites”), we can feel universal love, which will enable us to love and help both our friends and enemies looking for humanization; just like…
The Victory of Prophetism – The presence of the Great Light This website has been shaped like a magic object, like "Aladdin's lamp", similar to the work of an alchemist who - while changing the "matter" – transforms himself and the surrounding world, like a mirror reflecting himself in the…
Animism is a power of the soul, its effect on men is always positive, somehow divine. But what is soul? It is the spiritual component of men in contrast to their body; it has nothing to do with mind and intellect, or with heart and feelings, as the ancient animists…
Over the life cycle of men and books, in particular of those dealing with life like this one, the final chapter and the closing sentence are - perhaps coincidentally - the most important steps. Probably some articles have succeeded, albeit marginally, in addressing or inspiring some readers, therefore I would…
Politics and Religion should be simple: I do not mean that they are easy, but they are not complicated, life is not complicated; all the difficulties arise from the mind, which – if left free to run – tends to prevail over the others. Politicians and philosophers find it very…
We are living in the technological era, but each situation features other three sides. To the detriment of our personality, our technological society has created the ingenious monstrosity of the group - a downside to be constantly controlled – together with the social "slave - master" hierarchy, while socialist, animist,…
Modern Prophetism circulates on the network, since the network provides a bridge, as evidenced by a modern prophet, Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church. In fact, to use his words: "We are at war, but this is not a religion war"; Well, I think that "In a society…
We know that the words, maybe not all, have a power, for this one must say risky words but calibrated, significant. Each word therefore has a power, so I show you " the ethics of power " for those who will use words to communicate to the people, today the…
Note: the drug is the cure of the disease, to defeat the disease, the cry is the effect of fright; in this way the Modern Prophet is the effect of entrenched injustice. Without injustices the Prophecy that I give you would remain just the Poet, the Priest- " to the…
Si quieres encontrar tu camino, antes deberás saber cuál es el sentido de la vida y entender cómo esta se puede realizar. Principalmente son tres las formas de realización humana: el de la ocupación, el social y el sexual. Dejo a un lado las otras dos para analizar con vosotros…
The feeling that makes up the psychological source of power and tradition in its obsequious appearance for Kings, priests, party bosses are: fear and personal ambition that originate power. The power of the organizations through which power is exercised, considering them first as bodies endowed with a life of its…
We know how important words are, in the sacred name, in primordial sound would hide the power of being and its possible creation. This means that there would be words that create, there would exist sound images, which create under certain conditions. So let me evoke the word Peace, in…
The love of fear- the refusal of pleasure - Fear paralyzes will The relation between "rich-poor"; "servant-master" divides all, it divides especially the consciences of those who have an interest in the destruction of that relationship. The Biblical prophetic wisdom expresses this situation in the right way: "In a State…
The love of power - in its broadest sense- is the desire to cause effects in the world, this belongs to human nature. Since the time of Lao-Tse this has had its supporters: mystics, politicians, people who cared about the holiness of the people, more like a state of mind…
We must consider that there are two kinds of pursuit of power, already identified in the past, and two elements: a ruler and his/her follower (Christ and the apostles, all the prophets and devotees.) We must understand that men tend to adhere to the ideals conveyed by the ruler and,…
Globalisation of Thoughts - Social science Men are able to think, and within their thoughts they combine representation and awareness. This union results from two factors: the first one merely relates to the subject and has a subjective connotation, while the second one is independent and necessarily objective.
Peoples will never be free if they do not get rid of their rulers: according to the latter, in fact, the masses must be poorly educated, just to meet the awareness requirements of the State-Country. The counter-revolution, which has always been popular among the peoples, despises the awareness of the…