Fanaticism-Power and Limits of Fanaticism

Sábado, 29 Octubre 2016 15:11 Escrito por
Photo: Marc Chagall (1931 - Jews worship the golden calf 1931)-Fanaticism: pride and vanity, ignorance, contagious excitement. Photo: Marc Chagall (1931 - Jews worship the golden calf 1931)-Fanaticism: pride and vanity, ignorance, contagious excitement.

Power and limits of fanatic doctrines.

The power and the strength of a community does not only depend on the members or components and on their number, but very much on the economic component, but even more on the doctrine that prophesies and that everyone carries out. Let's see therefore how a fanatical doctrine (and we see even today with the Isis) often increases a community's power.

Today they are trendy, perhaps more than before, their influence on power has great practical importance, so a nation or group of fanatics has odds of success in war, this is a major impediment to democracy and democratic peoples in general; it has more success than a nation where there is a large population of wise men.

Consider this in the light of history.

It is possible to note that cases in which fanaticism led to success are much more known than those in which they failed, because these events remained in the dark.

Certainly a too quickly examination can mislead; it is obvious that if we stay on our guard is easy to avoid it.

A classic example of the fanatic power was that of Hitler's national socialism, but today we have to remember that the maximum fanatic power example is represented by the history of Islam.

Muhammad did not ever add anything to the knowledge and material resources of the Arabs, yet few years after his death they had acquired a vast empire by defeating the powerful neighbours; the religion founded by the Prophet was material and essential element to the success of the nation.

 Fanaticism during Muhammad's life and for some years after his death, joined the Arab nation, called force at battle with the promise of paradise to those who died fighting against the infidels.

Very soon, sooner than any religion, fanaticism was ousted from the Government, as always when a fanatical doctrine governs.

But wars are caused, they exist, and in all fanatic doctrines their leaders, must have done wrong calculations.

Reasons are manifold: pride and vanity, ignorance, contagious excitement.

When a people is kept in a confident ignorance its belief, its bellicose feeling can easily pass by rulers to those who manifests as such.

The hysteria and megalomania do the rest and are very contagious, and governments are not protected by any special immunity.

 The attitude of complete obedience imposed to subordinate individuals is the enemy of intelligence, where members of a people must accept a doctrine obviously absurd, even the best become dumb or aloof.

So there will be an intellectual lowering level that quickly become counter-productive.

And here is the time to summarize the situation of fanaticism.


Cohesion requires a faith, a complex of habits, a fundamental feeling, or even better a merge of all three; without something like this the community disintegrates and ends up falling into the hands of a tyrant, who inevitably will be destroyed.

If the world in a near future gives birth to people of fanatics against the democratic peoples, final victory will not go certainly to the first, but to those who support democracy and equality among peoples.

The ultimate power of limit demeaned is that of boredom and disintegration, of attrition and not least the desire for convenience.


"If your knife has a short handle

stretch it with a stick.

Make the drop become Ocean.

A rock, a mountain range

the whole world your master.”

 ( free movement Sufi Muslim maximum)

Leído: 3354 veces Modificado por última vez en Sábado, 20 Mayo 2017 11:42

Digámoslo de manera clara, hay personas que están tan unidas a sus convicciones que no aceptan o comparten las de los demás.

Aquí estoy listo para explicaros el poder de la convicción, cómo su fuerza puede dañar a las personas.

Es fácil demostrar que las convicciones son omnipotentes y que todas las formas de poder derivan de ellas

Por ejemplo: los ejércitos son inútiles si los soldados no creen en la causa por la que combaten, o cuando se trata de mercenarios, si no están convencidos de que el comandante es capaz de conducirles a la victoria.

La ley es igualmente inútil si no es respetada.

La opinión religiosa se ha demostrado a menudo más potente que el Estado.

Se podría concluir que las convicciones son el poder fundamental en las relaciones sociales.

Se considera por tradición que las convicciones tienen orígenes mentales, pero esto es verdad solo para los orígenes próximos: en el fondo encontramos siempre, en cambio, una fuerza ejercitada al servicio de alguna doctrina.

Hoy existe la costumbre denegar a la razón una fuerza determinante en los asuntos humanos: además, el éxito científico es la demostración precisa de lo contrario.

Los hombres de ciencia prueban a los profanos inteligentes que una cierta actitud intelectual es favorable a la potencia militar y a la riqueza y todos deseábamos tanto precisamente estas cosas que la nueva actitud intelectual gane a la de la Edad Media a pesar de la fuerza de la tradición, las riendas de la iglesia y los sentimientos ligados a la teología católica.


Se me dice que la ortodoxia y la virtud me conducirán al Cielo después de la muerte; me gusta creer esto y, por tanto, con toda probabilidad lo creeré.

La causa de la fe ya no está en la ciencia, la evidencia de los hechos, sino en la sensación de placer que deriva de la convicción, junto con una fuerza afirmativa bastante vigorosa que hace creíble la propia convicción.

Before completing our Declaration of Human Rights, I would like to stress that men need to start a great thought revolution against the injustices, but especially against the so-called "philanthropists"; i.e. those who declare their love for humanity, their intention to improve the fate of men with the purpose of contributing to the wellbeing of mankind, but inevitably end up establishing fake profit-making bodies and organizations.

All over the world, including Italy, women and immigrants are paid less than men performing the same tasks, although the Declaration of Human Rights states that salaries should be equal, regardless of the workers’ gender, nationality or ethnic group.

However, it is not so! ...

In summary, according to our Declaration of Human Rights: the first thing is Life, then Love, Death and eventually the Pursuit of Truth...


And this is the fifth right within the Pursuit of truth: every educational environment, from nursery schools to kindergartens and universities must lay the foundations for an atmosphere suitable for meditation and relaxation.


In this paragraph I shall talk about animist nomadism and its myths: over the course of history, it is rooted in the Period of Origins, when neither the State nor the Class Properties existed, while the Law of Life ruled over the world, intended as the Word which conveys the interests of the Weak, together with rationality, novelty and true spiritual paternity.

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